Running In the Rain

I wrote this text as a translating exercise. Russian version

Once I wrote a post The Most Pleasant Part of Running in the Winter. Here I am going to tell you about training in the rain.


The rain adds some pepper on the  running course, but doesn’t make it inedible. The rain makes the dish a bit spicy.
After many years of running I’ve come to realize that you don’t be afraid of the rain while doing any sport. If you wear the appropriate clothes you are going to be happier running in the rain than in dry weather. As for me running in the rain is heavenly compared to running in hot weather.

When it is raining, the most difficult thing is to leave home and start training. But, isn’t it the goal to leave the comfort zone in order to improve any sporting activity? I have to admit that I am reluctant to leave when it is raining. My mood gets better as soon as I’ve run the first couple hundreds of meters.

I pay attention to the following things while running in the rain:

1. Place. It is the best of all for running in the rain to chose places without any dirt in which you could fall down and that is adhering to your sneakers and won’t take away your time and power. The asphalt, sandy or gravel surfaces are great options.

2. Clothes. Everything that I wear is 100% synthetic. First of all it concerns to socks. Once I put on a pair of cotton socks and then got a huge blister on my foot and could not even finish my training. At 10-12 Celsius my wet clothes are the same as my dry ones: sneakers, socks, shorts, a shirt and a cap. I wear my cap in the rain to keep the water pouring down my face. If the temperature is in the range 7-12 degree I put on an extra jacket. And I put on thermo-long-sleeves instead of a shirt if it is colder than 7 Celsius.

3. Puddles. It doesn’t make sense to pay attention to any puddles. Of course, if the puddles are large, deep, dirty and obscure they must be ran around. But most puddles can be passed without changing trajectory. Running sneakers are water resistant. In the beginning, I tried to avoid every puddle, but I realized my shoes would get wet either way. Running around puddles is a rather energy-consuming process. You have to change your pace and stride. Beside, you may lose your footing (slip) while changing the angle of your step; the injury risk is increased. Be sure the water quickly leaves the shoes after running through puddles so that your feet feel comfy again.

4. Phone, keys and other small things. To save all this stuff from the rain is challenging without specific waterproof bags. I have a running belt, but it only helps to protect things from my sweat and some splatters, it is powerless against the heavy rain. I have put my phone in a plastic bag but it didn’t help. The rain has completely soaked one phone, and almost done the same to another. I’ve come across advice to put phones in condoms and tie it. I don’t know whether it works, I’ve not done any experiments.  Now I only take my waterproof watch and my car key, which seems to be waterproof, when I go running.

5. Dry clothes. I believe dry clothes are the most important part of running gear. If training ends far away from home it is necessary to change your clothes. An athlete's body won't begin to cool down for 10-15 minutes after intense exercise, but when it does it is a rapid process. It is very important to stay dry and warm to avoid hypothermia. And it is damn blissful to take off a wet shirt and put on a dry hoodie.

Guys, don’t deny yourselves the pleasure of running in the rain.

Many thanks to the people that have helped me:
