My Main Lesson This Winter
Running in the winter is a good thing. If you wear the appropriate clothes you'll be safe. But as soon as you start feeling sick, be careful! By the way, this concerns not only running but any activity. There is a rule about training when sick. You can keep on running while your sickness remains in your head. I mean it literally. If you feel any discomfort in the head like in your nose, mouth or throat you can still continue your training routine. Of course, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but you won't make it much worse. But as soon as you feel bad down in your chest you must stop your training straight away. I found out that rule a few years back and I hadn't had any further opportunities to test it until last Sunday. Then I felt some discomfort in my chest. I started spluttering but paid it too little attention. I didn't have any nasal mucus. My throat was good. I went for a run on Sunday and one more on Monday. I thought it was not a big deal. What a s...